Faculty Publications


David Brandenberger

National Bolshevism: Stalinist Mass Culture and the Formation of Modern Russian National Identity, 1931-1956
Harvard University Press, 2002

Epic Revisionism: Russian History and Literature as Stalinist Propaganda.
Co-edited with Kevin M. F. Platt.
University of Wisconsin Press, 2006

Political Humor under Stalin: an Anthology of Unofficial Jokes and Anecdotes
Slavica, 2009

Natsional-Bol'shevizm: stalinskaia massovaia kul'tura i formirovanie russkogo natsional'nogo samosoznaniia, 1931-1956 gg.-dopolnennoe izdanie
Revised and expanded Russian edition of National Bolshevism
Akaemicheskii proekt, 2009

Dnevnik istorika S. A. Piontkovskogo [The Diary of the Historian S. A. Piontkovskii]. Co-edited with A. L. Litvin and A. M. Dubrovskii.
Kazan' State University Press, 2009.

Propaganda State in Crisis: Soviet Ideology, Indoctrination and Terror under Stalin, 1927-1941
Yale University Press, 2011

Joanna Drell

Kinship & Conquest: Family Strategies in the Principality of Salerno During the Norman Period, 1077-1194

Cornell University Press, 2002

Medieval Italy: Texts in Translation

Co-edited with Katherine L. Jansen, and Frances Andrews

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009

Tze Loo

“Space and Power in Okinawan Religion” in Jolyon B. Thomas and Matthew D. McMullen (eds.), The New Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2024)

Wendy Matsumura and Tze M. Loo, “Introducing ‘From Ryukyu to Okinawa’ and ‘Actions towards modern Japanese national consciousness’: Gabe Masao’s study of Ryukyu-Okinawa history,” Pacific Historical Review, Fall 2024, 93 (4): 688–697.

Gabe Masao, “Actions towards modern Japanese national consciousness: The case of Ryūkyū-Okinawa,” translated by Tze M. Loo, Pacific Historical Review, Fall 2024, 93 (4): 715–732.

Heritage Politics: Shuri Castle and Okinawa's Incorporation into Modern Japan, 1879-2000. Lexington Books, 2014.

Manuella Meyer

Reasoning Against Madness: Psychiatry and the State in Rio de Janeiro, 1830-1944.
Forthcoming. University of Rochester Press.

Samantha Seeley

Race, Removal, and the Right to Remain: Migration and the Making of the Early United States (The Omohundro Institute for Early American History and Culture and University of North Carolina Press, 2021.

Carol Summers

From Civilization to Segregation: Social Ideals and Social Control in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1934
Ohio University Press, 1994

Colonial Lessons: Africans’ Education in Southern Rhodesia, 1918–1940

Heinemann, 2002.

Sydney Watts

Meat Matters: Butchers, Politics, and Market Culture in Eighteenth-Century Paris

University of Rochester Press, 2006

Yücel Yanikdağ

Healing the Nation: Prisoners of War, Medicine, and Nationalism in Turkey, 1914-1939
Edinburgh University Press, 2013

Eric Yellin

Racism in the Nation's Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson's America
University of North Carolina Press, 2013

Significant Articles and Chapters

David Brandenberger:

“The Fate of Interwar Soviet Internationalism: A Case Study of the Editing of Stalin’s 1938 Short Course on the History of the ACP(b),” Revolutionary Russia 29:1 (2016): 1-27.

“Ideological Zig Zag: Official Explanations for the Great Terror, 1936-1938,” in The Anatomy of Terror: Political Violence under Stalin, edited by James Harris (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), 143-160.

“‘Simplistic, Pseudo-Socialist Racism’: Ideological Debates Over the Direction of Soviet Socialism within Stalin’s Creative Intelligentsia, 1936-1939,” Kritika 13:2 (2012): 365-393.

“Stalin’s Populism and the Accidental Creation of Russian National Identity,” Nationalities Papers 38:5 (2010): 723-739.

“Stalin as Symbol: a Case Study of the Cult of Personality and its Construction,” in Stalin: a New History, edited by Sarah Davies and James Harris (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 249-270.

“Stalin, the Leningrad Affair, and the Limits of Postwar Russocentrism,” Russian Review 63:2 (2004): 241-255.

 Joanna Drell

“From Lemons to Legislation, Welcoming Foreigners in the Medieval Regno," Festschrift in honor of Errico Cuozzo, ed. Jean-Marie Martin. Naples, Winter 2016.

“Norman Italy and Crusades: Thoughts on the Homefront,“ Crusading and Pilgrimage in the Norman World, eds. Paul Oldfield, Kathryn Hurlock, Boydell and Brewer (Woodbridge, UK, 2015), pp. 51-63.

"Aristocratic Economies: Women and Family,” The Oxford Handbook of Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, eds. Judith Bennett and Ruth Karras. (Oxford University Press, 2013), pp. 327-342.

Antiques Consuetudines” and Civic Identities in the Kingdom of Southern Italy and Sicily (1050-1300)‘ Festschrift in honor of Anthony A. Molho, ed. Diogo Ramada Curto, Julius Kirshner, Eric Dursteller, and Francesca Trivellato. (Leo S. Olschki Publishers, 2009), pp. 303-320.

Nicole Sackley

“The Road from Serfdom: Economic Storytelling and Narratives of India in the Rise of Neoliberalism,” History and Technology, 32, 1 (March 2016): 397-419.

“Village Models: Etawah, India and the Making and Remaking of Development in the Early Cold War,” Diplomatic History, 37, 4 (September 2013): 749-78.

“Cosmopolitanism and the Uses of Tradition: Robert Redfield and Alternative Visions of Modernization during the Cold War.,” Modern Intellectual History, 9, 3 (November 2012): 565-95.

“Foundation in the Field: The Ford Foundation New Delhi Office and the Construction of Development Knowledge, 1951-1970” in John Krige and Helke Rausch, eds. American Foundations and the Coproduction of World Order in the Twentieth Century. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 232-260.

“The Village as Cold War Site: Experts, Development, and the History of Rural Reconstruction,” Journal of Global History, 6, 3 (November 2011): 481:504.

Carol Summers

"Scandal and Mass Politics: Buganda's 1941 Nnamasole Crisis" International Journal of African Historical Studies 51: 1 (2018) 63-83

“All the Kabaka’s Wives: Marital Claims in Buganda’s 1953-5 Kabaka Crisis” Journal of African History 58:1 (2017) 107-27

“Adolescence versus Politics: Metaphors in Late Colonial Uganda” Journal of the History of Ideas 78:1 (January 2017) 117-136

“Slander, Buzz and Spin: Telegrams, Politics and Global Communications in the Uganda Protectorate, 1945-9,” Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History (16:3 (Winter 2015).

“Uganda after World War II” Africa and World War II, Carolyn Brown and Judith Byfield, eds., (Cambridge University Press, 2015) 480-498.

“Local Critiques of Global Development: Patriotism in Late Colonial Buganda” International Journal of African Historical Studies 47:1 (spring 2014) 21-35.

Education and Literacy in Modern Africa”Handbook of Modern African History

“Boys, Brats and Education: Reproducing White Maturityin Colonial Zimbabwe, 1915-1935” Settler and Colonial Studies 1:1 (2011)

“Youth, Elders and Metaphors of Political Change in Late Colonial Buganda” in Generations Past: Youth in East African History, Andrew Burton, and Helene Charton, eds., (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2010) 175-195.

“Catholic Action and Ugandan Radicalism: Political Activism in Buganda, 1930-1950” Journal of Religion in Africa 39:1 (2009) 60-90

’Subterranean Evil’ and ‘Tumultuous Riot’ in Buganda: Authority and Alienation at King’s College, Budo, 1942” Journal of African History 47 (2006) 93-113

“Radical Rudeness: Ugandan Social Critiques during the 1940s” Journal of Social History 39:3 (2006) 741-770

“Grandfathers, Grandsons, Morality and Radical Politics in Late Colonial Buganda” International Journal of African Historical Studies 38:3 (2005) 427-447

"Young Buganda and Old Boys: Youth, Generational Transition and Ideas of Leadership in Buganda, 1920-1949” Africa Today 51:3 (Spring 2005) 109-128

“Tickets, Concerts and School Fees: Faith and Finance in Colonial Zimbabwe 1900-40” in Conversion: Old Worlds and New Anthony Grafton and Kenneth Mills, ed.s, (Rochester: U. of Rochester Press, 2003) 241-270

“Force and Colonial Development in Eastern Uganda” in J.M. Bahemuka and JL Brockington, ed.s, East Africa in Transition: Communities, Cultures and Change (Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 2002) 181-207

"Mission Boys, Civilized Men and Marriage: Educated African Men in the Missions of Southern Rhodesia 1920-1945" Journal of Religious History 23:1 (February 1999) 75-91

"Giving Orders: Controversies over Africans' authority in development programs in rural Southern Rhodesia, 1928-1934" International Journal of African Historical Studies 31:2 (1998) 279-300

"Demanding Schools: The Umchingwe project and African men's struggles for education in Southern Rhodesia, 1928-1934" African Studies Review 40:2 (September 1997) 117-139

"'If you can educate the Native Woman...': Debates over the schooling and education of girls and women in Southern Rhodesia 1900-1934" History of Education Quarterly 36:4 (1996) 449-471

"Educational Controversies: African Activism and Educational Strategies in Southern Rhodesia, 1920-1934" Journal of Southern African Studies 20 (March 1994) 3-25

"Intimate Colonialism: The Imperial Production of Reproduction in Uganda, 1907 to 1925" Signs 16:4 (Summer, 1991) 787-807

Sydney Watts

“Meat for the Multitudes: Market Culture in Paris, New York City, and Mexico City over the “Long” Nineteenth Century,” American Historical Review, 109:4 (October 2004): 1055-1083.

“Enlightened Fasting: Religious conviction, scientific inquiry, and medical knowledge in early modern France” in Food & Faith in Christian Culture. Edited by Ken Albala and Trudy Eden (Columbia University Press, 2011).

“Food and the Annales School” in The Oxford Handbook of Food History. Edited by Jeffrey Pilcher (Oxford University Press, 2012).